Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015


ACTIVATION subconscious mind. Every normal human being is born with the potential Conscious and Subconscious Mind same. However, in the process for growing a human being only a small fraction of the entire potential of the fully developed in the Conscious Mind Power. Modern humans generally are not much use Subconscious its potential because the school he just taught how to use his conscious mind (logic and analysis). Yet if we want to use the potential of our Subconscious, humans can develop itself to a higher level, as guided in Adem Ati Center Training.

The conscious mind is the mind that considers, and is thought to choose, for example choosing books, home or life partner.

The subconscious mind is to accept what is suggested to her or what you believe consciously. Not considering as your conscious mind, such as land, which receives all the seeds, both good and bad.

According to Dr. Joseph Murphy, D.R.S. Ph.D., DD, LLD an author from the United States, that "the subconscious mind to follow the orders given based on beliefs and assumptions conscious mind" subconscious mind is the seat of emotions and a creative mind, if you think positive then -things positiflah happens, and vice versa.

William James, the father of American psychology, said that the power that moves the world is in the mind / subconscious mind you. Inner your subconscious controls all the vital processes of your body and know how to answer all questions.

Whatever it suggests to the subconscious mind will terjemakan on the screen space as conditions, experiences and events. The law of action and reaction is universal. Your mind is the action and reaction of your subconscious automatic response on that thought.

Phillippus Paracelsus, a renowned Swiss chemist (1493-1541), said that "What is the object of your belief is true or false, ahirnya you will get the same effect".

Conscious Mind has four main functions, namely:
1. Identify transmit information coming from the senses,
2. Comparing with our memory,
3. Analyze, and then
4. Decides specific response to the information.

While processing functions Unconscious Mind
1. Habit,
2. Feelings,
3. permanent memory (Long-Term Memory)
4. Perception,
5. Personality,
6. Intuition,
7. Creativity, and
8. Confidence.

Milton Erickson, a Maestro Psychology of the Unconscious, expressed observations of the subconscious mind as follows.
1. The ability to separate subconscious and the conscious mind
2. The subconscious mind is a storehouse of information
3. The subconscious mind is the potential that has not been used
4. The subconscious mind is very smart
5. The subconscious mind is very aware
6. The subconscious mind observing and responding honestly
7. The subconscious mind is like a child
8. The subconscious mind is the source of emotions
9. The subconscious mind is universal

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