Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

Biography - Adem Ati Center

Mr. Rizki Joko Sukmono, SH Jakarta Birth 02 Nov 1970 Jakarta, is the son of Mr. HR Gunawan Wibisono (Alm) and Kusjati. His father named HR Gunawan is the former palace reporter who works as a final activity English lecturer at a College of Jakarta (Indonesia College), while the mother Ny. Kusjati blooded descendants of Malay (Malaysia Johor) and Descent of China (Clan = TAN).

Since childhood he was very familiar with traditional herbs, which were introduced by Mbah and his own mother, especially compulsory drank concoctions of turmeric honey. Moreover, since childhood he was very fond of sports like; Table Tennis, Football, Basketball, and Martial Arts, after the exercise he must mendoping himself with traditional herb / herbs, in order to recover stamina.

The more mature he studied sciences Martial Indonesia Original and all teachers have always taught traditional herb which is potent enough, for the treatment and in long studied to different schools of Martial and Spirituals / Power Within, he also developed the Scientific meditation in the form of logical comprehension with the approach of the Modern Psychology proved very useful for the treatment themselves.

So according to Rizki it is necessary to deepen again about scientific meditation and traditional ingredients. Understanding and developing science of meditation he developed with the approach of Psychology, which he studied at the Faculty of Psychology, Univ. Muhammadiyah Jember, until the 5th semester, college foundered because of the writing, investigation and scientific development community increasingly in demand at home and abroad, so it is quite busy at that time to handle the demands of training. He also conducts research in comparison with Western forms of Journals and Books west of the Comparative Study of Psychology of Meditation.

From some literature Psychology Study Meditation in Foreign Affairs that he had finally he tried to realize his dream, the beginning of the dream was to become a writer, and eventually realized by making 5 books in print by local publishers. From this end of town to the City Rizki Foreign until he brought his mission through self-empowerment training activities that he developed with a variety of methods.

In 2002, he founded the Institute for holistic under the name Studio Meditation & Medicinal Plants "ADEM ATI" Business entities in the form of coaching Education & Training Human Resources (CV. Adem Ati). "Adem Ati" actually have it published in the form of associations since 1990. Business Development & scientific community continues to be packed in accordance with the needs and approaches Teknonlogi Literature Modern Science. As for many of the activities are mainly concentrated in the studio "ADEM ATI", among others: Practice usual treatment of Medicinal Plants, Martial Arts Maenpo, Training Herbal Therapy Sports Anaerobic Training Meditation Spiritual Building, QSP Training (for offenders Business / Business & Company). It turns out their work developing Holistic Medicine & Trainings are held increasingly widespread accepted by society, until time runs imperceptibly learning and scientific development has penetrated the fourth century existence
her scholarly practice process.

                   "Man that is useful is the Man beneficial for many people".

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