Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015


Mishra R, Barlas C, Barone, D. (1993): Plasma beta-endorphin levels in humans: effect of Sahaja Yoga. Mishra R, Barlas C, Barone, D. (1993): plasma levels of beta-endorphin in humans: effects of Sahaja Yoga. Paper presented at the "Medical Aspects of Sahaja Yoga", Medical conference, held in Paper presented at "Medical Aspects of Sahaja Yoga," Medical Conference, held in New Delhi New Delhi India India, 1993, 1993.


autonomy: They also showed decreased levels of stress indicators of autonomic (skin potential level).

gamma: At the level of their brains showed a decrease in gamma activity over the front of the brain regions compared with controls Gamma activity. Control over the frontal area is reflected in the focus of increased arousal in connection with emotional involvement.

These findings provide neurophysiological evidence for the claim that the pioneering long-term effects lead to a greater emotional stability, reduce emotional reactivity and greater resistance to stress stimuli.

Influence the physiology of meditation

A study conducted in Australia by Dr Manocha and colleagues showed that long-term meditation compared with the group of subjects who practiced simple relaxation showed a decrease in the temperature of their hands during meditation. This correlates with a subjective feeling of coolness in the hands and on the brain experienced meditator and have been associated with the activation of limbic parasympathetic pathways.

 Rai, UC, Seti, S., Singh, SH, 1988. Rai, UC, Seti, S., Singh, SH, 1988. Some effects of Meditate and its role in the prevention of stress disorders. Some of the effects of meditation and its role in the prevention of stress disorders. Journal of International Medical Sciences, 19-23. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 19-23. 

Electrophysiological Studies (EEG)

Electrophysiological studies (EEG) measures the electrical activity of groups of neurons on the surface of the scalp. Study EEG comparing brain activation meditation practitioners in the long term (11) for a short period of meditation (16) yangi found brain activation specific patterns according to the subjective feeling of consciousness thought and happiness experienced by the meditator (Aftanas and Golocheikine, 2001, 2002, 2000).

Change yourself

After following Meditation Training in what is called the Insight and the communication with the subconscious, many of the alumni of small and large changes they feel the benefits of the Quantum Process method meditating. Some of the changes are:

- Anyone else notice that you changed. 

Sometimes it is difficult to have a sense of perspective about ourselves. Alumni often Meditation reported that others are aware they see a lot of changes such as becoming more relaxed, less reactive, and more friendly.

- Has an interesting experience in meditation. 

You may begin to see things that are not as common as a pleasant taste of the rhythm of your breathing, or the way in which your body's subtle moves in response to your heart rate.


ACTIVATION subconscious mind. Every normal human being is born with the potential Conscious and Subconscious Mind same. However, in the process for growing a human being only a small fraction of the entire potential of the fully developed in the Conscious Mind Power. Modern humans generally are not much use Subconscious its potential because the school he just taught how to use his conscious mind (logic and analysis). Yet if we want to use the potential of our Subconscious, humans can develop itself to a higher level, as guided in Adem Ati Center Training.

The conscious mind is the mind that considers, and is thought to choose, for example choosing books, home or life partner.

What is Quantum Meditation ?

"In meditation, healing or success can suddenly occur. When the mind is calm, alert and feeling completely satisfied, then it will be like a laser beam - very strong and anything can happen."Rizki Joko Sukmono (Grand Master Meditation Indonesia).

Quantum Meditation is a process to concentrate the energy power Spiritual self in order to unify the macrocosm to the microcosm that is a positive impact to the acceleration of desire, the settlement of all problems of life and healing all kinds of diseases both medical and non-medical without the help of others, there is a call by activating the kundalini or chakras ..

When you are discouraged with your life when all else has been tried and without producing tangible results, the spiritual meditation is the solution. "Spiritual Meditation will change your life now!.capabilities that can be found in the spiritual meditation trainingin Adem Ati Center, namely:

What is Quantum ?

If one is able to perform a special treatment against him
to limit energy threshold, then the person is likely to suffer
the degree of emanation, excitation, or quantum.
Exactly the same as the energy threshold needed a metal
to be able to perform quantum.

What is the quantum? 

Each object if split again will see the smallest particles that used to be called atoms. But now it turns atom can still be dissected again. Finally, after the split continues, it was found that his name quanta invisible. All objects are essentially mutually emit quanta of electromagnetic vibrations. It's just that there were meetings and there were rare. Solid objects though, if parsed continue, will be found an empty space in it. It is similar to a movie that we see moves. In fact, actually a collection of 24 still photos with various scenes. If it had been rotated 24 photos in one second, then our eyes will look as if the picture had been moved.

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Meaning of life

Question of the meaning of life is much discussed in psychology Existential. One of the many characters who discuss these issues is Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist from Austria. According to Frankl basically always wants her man is always meaningful. Life does not mean to make people experience existential emptiness and will pose an existential frustration (frustration because they could not fulfill his wish to meaning). In modern life filled with a variety of advances in science and technology, there are many people who have a high rank and science have many possessions are plentiful, but they experience an inner emptiness.


Analysis in psychology Carl Jung terms process one finds "true self" (self). Individuation process deeper and complex, because it involves a person's subconscious (unconciousness), deeper. According to Jung, to be able to achieve the level of individuation, one must be aware of the elements of the unconscious that is in itself, in the form of desires, hopes, impulses of lust and so on. In the process of individuation, one must go beyond a sense of egoism in order to find his true self. To achieve that goal we need a struggle by doing continuous discipline.  


Awareness or understanding someone about something that happened suddenly. This awareness can be an understanding of something in itself, to the problem at hand or relating to intellectual understanding. To get insight in the form of understanding of ourselves is one of the tasks of a counselor in psychological consultation. But to bring a client who is facing the problem in order to gain insight, sometimes it takes quite a long time. 

Self Control

Self-control is one aspect of psychology that is always growing from childhood to adulthood. A child usually does not have good self-control, so that whatever be like, what people think, and what is in our hearts, all expressed spontaneously. For example, a child who wants to eat, he does not care whether his mother was receiving guests or being religious, he just cried out for a meal. Likewise, if he was irritated, sometimes toys favored slammed itself.

Facing Anxienty

This present age is the age of anxiety (the age of anxienty), Anxiety is a psychiatric condition which is almost always felt by everyone. It often occurs especially when a person faces severe problems or stressful situation, causing anxiety, panic, confusion, to-not-an-peaceful, and so on. In the modern era were full of intense competition and conflict, it seems more and more people are experiencing anxiety. Protracted anxiety will also cause many psychological disorders and physical illnesses. 


Cathartic process is very important for people who are facing emotional problems. In general, people who are facing problems that are severe or face a sad situation, disappointing, upsetting or often unwilling or unable to mengungkapkanya to others.  

They prefer to keep it in his own heart or trying melupakanya. But precisely by pushing all sorts of feelings, emotions, thoughts that interfere with his subconscious, then raised a wide range of psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety or various forms of physical illnesses such as heart disease, liver or high blood pressure. In psychological counseling, often a counselor only act as cathartic media or container for all sorts of client complaints that reveal all sorts of feelings, emotions or thoughts that bother him.  

Solution to Problem

A new habits in caring for us through Knowledge exhalation processing activities in Adem Ati Center, it turns out very positive impact on the personal lives of each participant. Results of the record and experience of positive reflection on each individual participant is as follows:

Every human being existing in this world will face various problems. Ranging from minor everyday problems until a major problem. If someone has felt that it faces severe problems, then he will find someone else to help solve the problem, perhaps he would ask for help friends, neighbors, family or even ask for help on an expert, such as a professional psychologist. 

Meditation Increases Productivity Human Resources

The need for a change and efforts to internalize the intelligence dimension which refers to the vision and mission to become a personal conviction that will always motivate and Meaning in life and work in unity dimension of emotion, and Spiritual Thinking through concept (Mind, Body and Soul). 
QSP Training is a training process and empower institutions that subconscious, and instill values ??within each individual involved in it, is very important. As we know, any good system, but when an individual applies as implementing the system behaves distorted and violated these values, it will cause harm.

Even more important is to build a bond between these values ??with the deepest human intuition (inner voice) so that each individual run value is not as a liability.

Collaboration - Adem Ati Center

              With greater clarity and intelligence thought. Of the target program Meditation Spiritual Building is "ACTION", which gives a wide exposure for each participant QSP Training after sensing an enlightenment, which can give birth and give ideas Innovative always creative, lively energetic, fast moving, and is able to provide a decisions themselves The best.

               Meditation will restore balance and build self and creativity. Modern science has put meditation to be tested and researched for many years. Studies show a dramatic and effective results in the fight against stress and improve cognitive functions such as attention.

Solution - Adem Ati Center

In addition to sharpening the intelligence related to the process, in which everyone has a shape different limitations, accuracy and validity of intuition also related to flight hours, specialization or region struggles of life. Eg A writer has intuition sharper for matters related to writing, as well as IT technicians who can know before knowing. Admittedly, there are some people who have only specific intuition, according to the field, and others have intuition Generic sharpness, in a sense is able to go beyond the field. For example, a teacher who sees his pupil intuitively. It seems to have been a prerogative of God to distinguish and equate humans. Another limitation is to follow intuition is right for the right circumstances. It is also not a hundred percent can uneaten. Sometimes intuition it appears in the form of flash (light) that have been directly imaged the brain of the heart, innate feeling (feeling directs us), heeling beliefs, recurrence of coincidence but a coincidence, and others.

Problem - Adem Ati Center

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) may have its own argument when he said: "The only real valuable thing is intuition." In fact, its track record is a scientist, that if according to the rule, must talk about the importance of reasoning, analyzing, knowing by fact, and so on. Anything else is interpreted as a way of learning, is precisely how a person to get information and make decisions.

QSP Training participants will be taught how to establish baseline values ??on the authenticity of self, which leads to ethical values ??and even touched the spiritual aspect. When we've been able to do something quickly (without the need to think hard, and long time) and a high degree of accuracy (The unconsciously skilled), then we will increase the level of skill level. One way is to run the intuitive learning, as suggested in The QSP Training that will make us hone the ability to be able to take decisions unconsciuous (Subconscious / do not have a second thought before).

Fact - Adem Ati center

Two forms of "knowledge" that has always been considered not to meet that "natural knowledge" and "knowledge of metaphysics", trying to be met by a practitioner in the field, in a training called "Quantum Spiritulity Power". This workshop activities, managed to bring together two forms of "knowledge" that had been like water and fire discussing the possibility of checks on the validity of the law of conservation of energy irrational phenomenon, through the methods of Meditation Spiritual Building. Energy from the body's electrical impulses generated by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy that can be used for healing and protection against attacks by evil emotions etc.

Introduction - Adem Ati Center

QSP Training (Quantum Spiritual Power) a packaged training for business or a business that Involves human resources. Methods with this distinctive technique, known as "Meditation Spiritual Building, the which is beneficial to empower the field of Mental Development (Mental Health) in order to form a strong Human Resources as Spiritual Beings.

The development of science did not escape from the hierarchy sustainable. What happens if every time we wanted to explore and investigate about certain things that actually exist, but we start from zero, of course, the development of science will be very slow because each generation will simply repeating something that already exists. This is where our weakness.

Abstract - Adem Ati Center

"The New Soul Search" reported a new trend of the Managing Director, Top Executives from World class companies, such as Coca-Cola Co., Mitsubishi Corp., Siemens AG, until the company classmates Management Consultants Australia & New Zealand Banking Group.

Their executives steeped diligently exercises Spirituality Sports Subconscious being felt need in the business world, especially to cope with stress and work pressure faced by executives.

Phenomenal, 500 best companies in the world since 1957 is reset for 49 years by the Institute of Business Research "Standard and Poor's", now only 74 Company still exists and the rest of the Best Companies lost.
This is one of the attraction Big companies began requiring a reliable technique, which is capable of addressing them problem it all.

Message Grand Master 0f "ADEM ATI"

Message from Grand Master:
- Human Resource Consult
- Main Trustees 'QSP Training'
- Professors 'TOA'
- Master Martial Maenpo
- Master Meditation Spiritual Building
- Author Motivation, Herbal, Meditation
- Has provided training in 3 countries

                During 25 Years of Spiritual Meditation pursue the world. I followed the pattern of development of science Human Resources. I see incredible progress there. I was so excited. How is today the world has led to the aspect of spirituality in building Human Resources. Reinforced by the findings of an international survey of empirical data.

                Trends in world giant companies has led to the spiritual aspects of human resource development. You will find the "mystic corporation" is not a traditional place of worship but precisely in modern giant corporations.

Biography - Adem Ati Center

Mr. Rizki Joko Sukmono, SH Jakarta Birth 02 Nov 1970 Jakarta, is the son of Mr. HR Gunawan Wibisono (Alm) and Kusjati. His father named HR Gunawan is the former palace reporter who works as a final activity English lecturer at a College of Jakarta (Indonesia College), while the mother Ny. Kusjati blooded descendants of Malay (Malaysia Johor) and Descent of China (Clan = TAN).

Since childhood he was very familiar with traditional herbs, which were introduced by Mbah and his own mother, especially compulsory drank concoctions of turmeric honey. Moreover, since childhood he was very fond of sports like; Table Tennis, Football, Basketball, and Martial Arts, after the exercise he must mendoping himself with traditional herb / herbs, in order to recover stamina.